Sunday, January 15, 2012

Thirteen Reasons Why

I used to read this book, and personally, this book is one of my favorite. This book became the best seller in July 2011. This book is about a girl, named Hannah Baker, who committed suicide for 13 reasons from 13 different people. And after she died, she released one set of 7 cassettes containing the 13 reasons. And her almost be boyfriend Clay Jensen got them too, in the package in front of his door. The message there said that he needs to listen to the cassette until his name come along and after he listen he needs to pass the cassette to the next person. If he choose to throw the cassettes someone whom she asked to, and later be discovered by Clay, will release the second set of cassettes for public. And he keeps listening the reasons one by one, which becomes more and more surprising and heart-wrenching for him, until his name come along. But, what Hannah said in the cassette about Clay is different from what did she said about the other people when she mentioned their names. And after he finishes listening to those cassettes, he found the fact why she chose to end her life and the fact about the people around him in the school. Well I think this book, eventhough it's fiction, somehow it's the same like our society, full of drama and intrigue. This book can change our view about our society, about the world. Thanks to Jay Asher for writing such a cool book like this. And I, will be glad to read this book again. Can't wait til the film is out..!! :D

Here's the interview with Jay Asher, the author of this book

Here's the official website

Here's the book review

Official facebook page

The Thirteen Reasons Why Project

If you want to read it online

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