Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

There's so many rumors about friday the 13th. The origins and many more about it can be found everywhere. Seems like each country has each type of story, which I'm going to give short summary about it.

In Necromancy it is a day dedicated for someone to contact real ghosts like spirits and sometimes demons.
In the Spanish and Greek speaking world, Friday the 13th is NOT considered an unlucky day, but if the 13th day of the month falls another day of the week then it is.
Meanwhile for the history
  • Friday the 13th traces back to a Dutch holiday where mischievous children would sneak into graveyards at night and defecate on tombstones.
  • In France, Friday the 13th often fell on the day after the Feast of Saint Imbibecus.  Thus the day was often associated with terrible hangovers and poor choices made the night before.
  • The Aztecs brutally killed 39,000 in one day on Friday the 13th of August, 1539.  This was done at the request of the recently arrived Hernan Cortez the next day he overthrew their empire.
  • One source says the number 13 has been unlucky since the Last Supper of Christ, where thirteen people were in attendance.
  • Most skyscrapers do not include a thirteenth floor.  Gregory Johnson bravely included a thirteenth floor in his designs for the Empire State Building in New York.  Three days after its completion, on a Friday, the weight of the building caused it to buckle and it crushed the thirteenth floor.  It has been structurally sound ever since.
  • In London’s summer of 1865, seven prostitutes, two flower sellers, three secretaries and a nun were assaulted on Friday July 13th by a crazy man wearing an athletic mask.
  • In 1881, a group of New Yorkers started The 13 Club, aimed at removing the superstitious stigma from the number.  At their first meeting on Friday the 13th, all thirteen members walked under a ladder into a room filled spilled salt and broken mirrors.  They all died in a freak accident involving a runaway truck and a rabid wolverine on its way to be put down.
  • On Friday June 13th of 1952, Massachusetts Governor Kyle McArthur banned all private automotive transportation on the unlucky day.  Nine overcrowded city buses crashed into each other in downtown Boston.
  • Friday the 13th is considered a day of bad luck in English, French and Portuguese-speaking countries around the world, as well as in Austria, Germany, Estonia, Finland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Republic of Ireland, Poland, Bulgaria, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, and even the Philippines
I also heard that woman should not take a shower on Friday the 13th since Jason will come and slaughter them. Well, actually, I don't really into this day, eventhough I believe in ghosts. Just want to inform you anyway.
More details..?? Check this out..!! And this one too..!!

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